Why You Need Video Testimonials

Testimonials are a key ingredient for building social proof for your organization’s service or product. Instead of a brand simply insisting that customers love their product or service, customer testimonials give the apprehensive customer a different (and less intimidating) perspective. For businesses, this influence leads to increased trust, reduced skepticism, and higher conversion rates. Let’s […]

Long vs Short Video: 8 Reasons to Keep Your Videos Short

With the explosive rise of websites like Vine and Instagram, there’s something to be said about keeping videos short. Brands are discovering that keeping videos “short and sweet” is often more effective than investing time and money into a complicated production. Though some statistics indicate that videos shorter than 3.5 minutes are preferred by viewers, […]

4 Tips for Creating a Successful Video Marketing Campaign

As video evolves as the future of marketing, businesses that don’t use video are at an increasing risk of being left behind. But without a properly planned video marketing campaign, you may be destined to spend time and money without getting results. To create a successful video marketing campaign, consider these four crucial elements first:

Should I Share My Video Budget?

Let’s start here: In a study done by CEB, 67% of the buying decision is complete before the customer calls a company. And, even if this number isn’t that high, customers are still educating themselves much more now during the buying process. Essentially, the age of the ripoff is over…thanks to the internet and the […]

8 Places to Find Sample Videos for your Content Marketing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are a number of obstacles both small and large businesses face when setting out to integrate video content into their marketing plan. Some companies wrestle with how much is done in-house and how much is outsourced to agencies or production companies. Other companies have challenges with selecting cameras, gear or software. But, before production […]

Creating your Video Concept

First let’s establish what a concept is. According to Chad Vossen, Chief Creative Officer at 522, “Basically, it’s the big idea. What are we doing? How are we going to do it and most importantly, why are we going to do it? It’s the framework for your video, it provides a general direction for the […]

5 Benefits for Using Animation in Your Brand’s Video Content

Video can come in many different forms and there are a variety of ways to connect with your brand’s audience. In today’s world, one of the popular ways for marketers to tell a story is through animation. Animated videos are very effective now because they have become more affordable and also circumvent some of the […]

The Importance of Video at an Event or Conference

The world is becoming more digital by the second. You can become friends with someone before ever being in the same room. Linkedin is great for networking, and Twitter is fabulous for reaching your peers, but as awesome as these tools are, they’re also saturated. Everybody’s using them….and therein lies the problem…they no longer make […]

10 Effective Marketing Videos Created by Startups

When it comes to raising awareness for your brand, video is a prime option. It can provide added flexibility and creative opportunity, often with an impact far beyond words alone. Video is one of the most engaging ways a brand can reach it’s audience; it’s quick, easy to consume and visually appealing. Video is at […]

One Camera vs Multiple Cameras

I get asked questions all the time on calls with potential clients. Some I can answer and some I can’t. So, my goal here is to try and answer as many as possible over the course of this blog series. This is number one of a lofty goal of 522 answers. Enjoy! Here’s a question […]