How 7 Top Brands are Using Youtube

Due to the size of Youtube, brands often find it difficult to get their videos discovered. However, many of the top brands in the world are doing quite well on YouTube, gaining huge amounts of subscribers and video views. Some brands even made it to the top of the list of most-viewed YouTube videos in […]

5 Examples of Brand Fails on YouTube

When it comes to brands using YouTube, there are plenty of great videos out there. Unfortunately, there are also plenty of bad ones. Brands made a wide range of mistakes on YouTube, from making light of sensitive topics to posting unflattering videos of their top executives. Such mistakes can seriously damage the reputation of your […]

5 benefits to interactive video

For years, annotations have allowed content creators on YouTube to harness the power of viewer interaction. As interaction metrics continue to improve on mobile media, there’s been a resurgence in the creative use of video annotations. Here are some of the most creative ways annotations have been used to create interactive videos.

The majesty of sliders sliding

With everyone and their second uncle creating video these days it is growing harder to rise above the static. Adding a level of skill and artistic method to your videos may sound like it could break the budget but there are little things you can add to your projects that make a big difference. One […]

Top 22 viral holiday videos of all time

We’re right in the midst of the holiday season. It’s a time for giving…and a time for sharing. Sharing videos. Since Youtube started in 2005, the holiday season has become perhaps the biggest opportunity to maximize your video marketing outcomes. Regardless of whether your holiday video has a touch of humor, emotion, or is just […]

Why a press release is still valuable in video marketing

When you think of press releases, chances are that you think of major events such as the grand opening of a business or the promotion of a new CEO. The reality, though, is that press releases can be used for a wide variety of things, including video marketing. In fact, brands that couple press releases […]

How video marketing can save you advertising dollars

Worried about the cost of video marketing? Well, it turns out that strategic video marketing can actually lower the total cost of your advertising campaigns. Through repurposed content, making videos on a budget, and maximizing your ROI, you can ensure that your brand enjoys the marketing power that video has to offer.

Forget about views: Video metrics that matter

When YouTube brought online video to the mainstream in 2005, we were all convinced that view count was the most accurate way to measure success. As online video matured and evolved, however, we realized that some metrics are more important than others. While view count is certainly a barometer for success, it’s just one factor […]

3 ingredients that define heartwarming Christmas ads

Tis the season for video marketing! Each year, there are brands that blow us away with their holiday video marketing and never seem to run out of ideas. But what makes a great Christmas ad that resonates with consumers?

5 things Virgin America can teach you about video marketing

Let’s be honest: if you’ve ever ridden on a plane, you’ve probably ignored the ritual of the safety announcements – until now. Virgin America has released a safety video that you’ll actually want to watch, combining creativity, entertainment, and humor all in one.