Understanding the reality behind decreasing video shelf life

There are many statistics that showcase the ever-shortening attention spans online, but many fail to grasp the larger implications. Aside from making a powerful first impression quickly, brands must also realize that shorter attention spans result in a shorter shelf life for all their marketing products, especially videos. Now, this isn’t to say that video […]

Why it’s important to have a transcript of your video

Whether you’re watching television or pop a DVD into your home movie system, Hollywood has made it easier than ever to understand what is being said on the screen. Subtitles allow the hearing impaired to enjoy video content just as much as the rest of us – and hardcore fanatics ensure that they never miss […]

How Google+ can help your video marketing

One of the growing trends in video marketing is the integration of Google+ into brands’ YouTube accounts. It’s been clearly documented that the search engine giant has been pushing Google+ across all its products, and YouTube is no exception. Instead of grudging at the thought of yet another update, brands and marketers alike should revel […]

Passion projects – FIVE/FIVE

At 522 we are encouraged to be inspired and pursue the things we love. Several months ago, 522 released an “Inspire” campaign that really allowed the staff to communicate what drives us without interference. These passion projects are essential to one’s creative growth. It allows a person to stop and really reflect on why we […]

Video review of the Tilta Rig

After the using the Tilta Rig for a few projects I wanted to highlight my favorite features and overall thoughts. In a previous post I discussed in detail all the components of the rig. You can read that here. We wanted to provide a video showing off the rig and even show a shot we […]

Find your inspiration: Everywhere

Finding inspiration is a constant battle. It’s not always easy to find nor to know where to look. What works one day might not work next time. For creatives, this is something we must always fight. So what can you do to help find inspiration? If you are walking down the street or riding the […]

Black magic and the price drop

On August 2nd Blackmagic design dropped the price on their cinema camera which is still in limited supply world wide. Members on online forums were rather upset at this announcement one, because there are people who paid in full a year ago and only received their cameras a bit   before the announced price reduction. Needless […]

Locating your location: 5 tips to finding your location on the fly

Every video needs a location. Whether it’s in the Oval Office of the White House or your grandfather’s basement, your location is the stage for your video; it gives your story context. Finding the right location to set your story can be just as crucial as casting the right actors to tell it. This can […]

Open minds = A better final product

There’s a lot that plays into creating a great final video. Having the right team members is the most important piece of the puzzle. One of the best qualities you can find in an artist is an open mind. This is especially true when dealing with video production. Why?