Trending now: Contests for video marketing

From GoPro to Aloha Petroleum, brands everywhere are asking consumers to record themselves using their products or participate in video contests. As one of the hottest trends in video marketing, crowdsourcing is a simple yet effective way to generate video content that reaches a wider audience.

Why dry erase animation works and how to use it

If you’ve browsed through YouTube videos anytime within the past 6 months, chances are that you’ve stumbled upon videos that incorporate dry erase animation. In these videos, a single hand fluidly animates images that visually emphasize the content of the narration. Whether it’s our curiosity in seeing how the video unfolds or the unique production […]

Gear round up – August 2013

There’s quite a bit happening in the video production world, especially gear. Every company is pushing the limits to make better cameras, better glass and more comfortable rigs. Here’s the inside scoop on what’s hot and new this month.

Why you need emotion in your video marketing

According to a new report from Arylessence that studies U.S. consumers, the public is still likely to make purchases based on emotions, perceptions, and preferences. Because the synergy of images, music, and content can strike powerful emotions within viewers, it’s crucial to understand how emotion in your video marketing can resonate with consumers today.

3 social media trends that affect video marketing

Traditional advertising is dead. Whether it’s on YouTube, TiVo, or anywhere else, consumers refuse to pay attention to anything that looks or sounds like an ad. This is why it’s so crucially important to focus on content marketing in your videos, and share your videos on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Think […]

Incredible B2B video marketing trends on YouTube

Did you know that 1.3 million hours of YouTube videos are watched in any given hour? With so much competition, especially in B2B marketing, it’s no wonder that brands are now pushing boundaries to bring attention to their business. By being creative with the way that they promote their products and services, these businesses are […]

5 vital SEO tips for your video marketing

If a video plays on YouTube but nobody watches it, does it make a sound? Unfortunately, with all the content being uploaded onto YouTube on a daily basis, it can be difficult for your video marketing to gain a viewership foothold. But don’t worry: with the right tactics, you can ensure long-term success for your […]

Back to the basics: Video marketing tips for small businesses

Since video marketing occurs in a different medium from the written word, it can be easy to forget that it’s also a form of content marketing! As the digital world continues pushing marketing efforts to the max, there’s so much creativity and pomp and circumstance that sometimes the message gets lost in the buzz. To […]

5 reasons to invest in an explainer video

While it may sound like common sense, it’s important to remember that a consumer isn’t going to purchase your products unless they know exactly what the products do. If your products or services are confusing, it’s vital to explain what your services are and why they matter. By defining how you can help consumers solve […]

Secrets from the best of the best on YouTube

If you’re looking for ways to boost your video marketing efforts, what better role models are there than those who have already succeeded? Whether they’re individuals filming in their living room, independent artists trying to create a name for themselves, or small businesses trying to build name recognition, many of the most successful YouTube practices […]