Lessons from Vat19, Home Depot, and Nike

With over half a billion views combined, Vat19, Home Depot, and Nike are three of the most successful brands that have utilized YouTube to grow brand recognition. Though each has a vastly unique YouTube strategy, they’ve all used the same platform for incredible success. Regardless of your industry, staying true to your brand’s personality is […]

Trending marketing strategies: 5 types of YouTube videos

When it comes to successful video marketing strategy on YouTube, uploading content consistently is one of the most effective ways to gain attention. However, creating and posting videos on a consistent basis means that you have to regularly compose video ideas, which can become difficult. Fortunately, knowing the 5 types of marketing YouTube videos businesses […]

The dreamlike effect – LensBaby Muse

I recently came across a Vimeo video entitled Corto Last Day Dream. It is a beautiful concept and well executed. What really caught my eye was the selective focus style of the shots. It created a very dreamlike effect. After doing some research I found they used a Lensbaby lens to film the video.

4k, are we there yet?

If you go online to various video production websites, trade journals and blogs, you will discover that this craft is heavily dependent on technology. Technology allows us to create content that has more fidelity and higher resolution. As you may have noticed these improvements are technical in nature, which I feel are equally as important […]

Gear round up – July 2013

For this months gear round up we have a little bit of everything. A camera upgrade, monitor holder, power options, a new camera plate and a new distributor for some awesome rigs! To some this may sound boring, but to gear heads like me this is some awesome stuff!

3 ways the White House uses video

Regardless of what side of the aisle your on, you have to admire a President who appreciates the value of the video. After all, what better way to get your message out to your constituents? I’m talking about making the White House and the President more accessible and giving the public a unique, behind the […]

Documentary marketing – Magna Carta Holy Grail

If you’re reading this, then chances are, by now you’ve already seen it. Whether its on a banner ad next to your email, loaded up as a “commercial” before your YouTube video or during half time of Game 5 of the NBA Finals.

First thoughts of the new Adobe CC

A few months ago I wrote about the death of Adobe’s Creative Suite, and how Adobe is moving to a subscription platform. Their transition is now complete, and the new Creative Cloud programs are out in the wild. I want to give you a very brief first look at the Creative Cloud suite and how […]

Understanding Metadata for YouTube

Once you’ve uploaded a video onto YouTube, it’s important to ensure its metadata is optimized for discovery. This ensures that people who are searching for your content (or similar content) are able to find your brand and your marketing videos. After all, you don’t want to let all the hard work you put into creating […]

5 Tips for Sharing Your Video on Social Media

It’s done! You’ve finally completed that video project and you can’t wait to share it with the world! Your company quickly uploads the video onto YouTube. The views start pouring in: 10 – 35 – 100 – 500 – then all of a sudden the view count stops. No matter what you do, people just […]