4 Tips To Grab and Hold Attention With Social Media Video

As of 2022, the average human has the attention span of a goldfish. Thanks to our collective attention deficit, marketers have a small window of time to grab and hold their audience’s attention with their content. Read these 4 tips to maximize 8 seconds of your audience’s attention.

How to Overcome the ‘Analysis Paralysis’ of Video Creation

Have you ever been at the grocery store, looking for one, simple, uncomplicated, granola bar… and stumbled into an entire aisle dedicated to hundreds of flavors and dozens of brands of granola bars? Well, it’s a similar experience that a lot of companies go through when trying to decide on a video production company.

Find Your Tribe

Creating and promoting content is necessary to grow an audience and build your brand, but if no one is around to engage with it, it can fall flat. Video is hands down the most important medium for marketers today. Video content contributes to 157% increase in organic traffic. And, 80% of people would rather watch a live video than read a blog.