Top 5 things to consider when planning a B-roll shoot

A great deal of planning always goes into any production. In fact, this step has a name: Pre-production (or Pre-Pro). This is where you sit down and hammer out all of the details of your production so when it comes time to shoot you have everything covered. And of course, everything always goes according to […]

11 Tips for a green screen shoot

I wrote a follow-up blog entry for recognizing some of the key things to keep in mind when shooting green screen interviews. But there’s a lot to keep in mind when using green screen. Once you have determined that it is the way to go for your project – how do you plan for […]

Benefits of using a green screen for interviews

I recently wrote an article for extolling the benefits of using green screen for client interviews. This is primarily because we shoot a boatload of interviews, and inevitably during the initial conversations with our clients, the topic of using a green screen arises. Using a green screen provides a range of good creative options […]

See what 2012 holds for web video marketing

Ah. I wanted to get this out earlier in 2012. But, it is still the first….just February 1st. In any event, video marketing is nothing new, but we are expecting big things on the horizon for 2012 in terms of how often video is used to connect with customers or grow a brand’s fan base.

Filming in the 522 Productions’ Studio

We often get requests from clients to shoot on-camera interviews at their location. While we certainly don’t mind this proposition (we film on-location all the time), shooting in a controlled studio environment offers many benefits that can easily be overlooked. For example, the 522 Studio offers plenty of space to place backdrops and cameras, high […]

Twitter roundup – Video production from 5twentytweet

Every once in awhile, we like to provide a summary of our tweets. At 522 Productions, we tweet about video production, web video trends and other digital media topics. Here is a roundup of some tweets you really should review…

Checking out Google Insights for Search

Marketers are constantly looking for ways to justify their actions and answer questions about ROI. As a result, data has become a big part of analyzing digital marketing campaigns and results. But what about identifying trends and opportunities before you even start developing your digital marketing strategy?