After a successful virtual event, Iona Senior Services wanted to maintain those special relationships that are more easily built during in-person events. 522 collaborated on a post-event thank you video that expressed the people inside the organization and their passion for the mission and the community.
You promoted your event and drove registration – check!
You increased engagement in your community through the event – check!
You worked your butt off, measured your outcomes, celebrated your success, captured your lessons learned, and now you… wait until next year?
Ummmmm…. No.
Your organization’s hard work has built momentum with an interested and even further engaged audience. CAPITALIZE! Post-event promotions help you increase your efficiency for future events and keep the conversation going through your online content.
Now that your top of mind for your attendees, let them know you appreciate them, double down on that initial promise you made to get them to attend, and encourage ongoing interaction.